Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Recipes Week 1

So... I'm a little behind on posting this because... I just am, super sorry. 

This year I am trying to make one new recipe a week so here goes...

My first new recipe is from The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food From My Frontier by Ree Drummond.  (Btdubs, I love the Pioneer Woman, she is awesomesauce, when she started doing her show on the Food Network, I was all "I know her! I know her!" ala Buddy the Elf, but I digress.)
The recipe is Ranch Style Chicken and it was delicious!  Um, hello, bacon and cheese, it's hard to go wrong with that.  (Good thing, because if I could go wrong with it, I would.)  Here's the recipe (sort of, it's slightly different in the book).  I didn't add the crushed red pepper because, kids, and I baked it in the oven instead of grilling it because, winter and I don't know how to use the grill thingy, but other than that I totes followed the recipe and it was great.  Everybody ate it!  Winning!  I foresee making this many times in the future :)

Bethadilly Challenge Days 23, 24 and 25

Day 23 {Frame}
Day 24 {A Selfie}
Day 25 {A Sweet Tooth}

Bethadilly Challenge Days 20, 21 and 22

Day 20 {Light}
Day 21 {Looking Down}

Day 22 {Weather}


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bethadilly Challenge Days 7, 8, 9 and 10

Day 7 {Perspective}
Day 8 {Simple}
Day 9 {Circle}
Day 10 {Warm}

Bethadilly Challenge Day 6

 Day 6 {Calm}

Also taken outside of the library, I sense a theme :)

I was at the library picking this up...

So funny story, I had already gotten the book on CD from the library a few days earlier and had been listening to it in my car during my commute to work.  I requested both the book and CD and figured I would just take whichever came in first. 

But then I was like forget that noise, I want both.  (I do what I want.)

Seriously though, listening to the book on CD was a little confusing, it was hard to tell who was talking or even if they were saying something out loud or just thinking it.  So I figured I would go back and re-read (or at least skim to the good parts.)  It was also convenient when I got to almost the end and it was Friday and I probably wasn’t going to have a chance to listen the whole weekend, so I just read the rest :)

I loved the story though.  I spent a ridiculous amount of time sitting in my car so I could keep listening (when I should have been working).  Made up excuses to drive places by myself (you know, I have to go do that thing and that other thing, I’ll be right back!)  Had inexplicable happy feelings that could only be attributed to my love of this book.  Unfortunately after I finished the book I read some reviews on Goodreads and now I have lost all faith in humanity (I can be dramatic too!).  There are a lot of good reviews; the average star rating is 4.11, which is pretty high.  But there were several reviews at the top of the list that were not great and while they have valid points I wish people could take themselves a little less seriously.  Just take the book for what it is, a YA love story and let yourself enjoy it.  It is well written and funny, and I cared about the characters and was drawn in to their story.  I over think a lot of things, but books are not one of them, and for that I am very thankful.

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Beth has read 1 book toward her goal of 52 books.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bethadilly Challenge Day 4

Day 4 {Red}

A rainy, dreary day, but who cares!  Because this was taken outside of the library where I got this...

Yes Please by Amy Poehler

This book was not what I was expecting.  I love Amy Poehler on Parks and Recreation, she is hilarious and a brilliant actress.  This book wasn't hilarious but that's ok because I don't think that's what she was going for.  It's more of a collection of essays than anything else and there are some funny parts and some brilliant parts.  It was so interesting that I read the entire book in one day, if that says anything about it.  If I had read any reviews, I probably would have had different expectations going in, but that would involve things like "thinking ahead" and "planning in advance" and that is just not going to happen.  All in all I really liked the book and would recommend it to anyone who likes Amy Poehler ... or books with cool covers.

Awesome quotes from the book:

“That is the motto women should constantly repeat over and over again. Good for her! Not for me.”  

“Telling me to relax or smile when I’m angry is like bringing a birthday cake into an ape sanctuary. You’re just asking to get your nose and genitals bitten off.”  

So this is number 1 of {hopefully} 52 books read this year.

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Beth has read 1 book toward her goal of 52 books.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bethadilly Challenge Day 3

Day 3 - "My Outfit Today"

It's harder to take a picture of your outfit than you might think.  Some might say "just take a picture in the mirror", but to that I say, shut the hell up.  When I think of mirror pictures I think of all the pictures I see on Facebook in someone's bathroom where you can see all the junk all over their counter and the phone they're using to take the picture.  "Hey, look at my awesome outfit in this picture I just took in the mirror."  No.  All I see is you holding your phone and looking at yourself in the mirror like an idiot.  Not what you were going for, I think. 

Mirror pictures can be done well though and I may try one some day.  But for now I'm just reminded that I love my Nikon with the little flippy screen in the back which allows me to take pictures at odd angles.  Brilliant idea Nikon!

Bethadilly Challenge Day 2

Day 2 of the challenge, "New."  I got this Kuerig for Christmas and... I love it!  It's my precious.  And I have discovered that the first cup of coffee in the morning is the best cup.  Any coffee after that is just a cup of disappointment.  Also coffee is excellent motivation for getting out of bed, which, as we all know, is the worst thing you will do all day. 

So here's to you brand new fancy coffee maker that is a color that I love, you have made my life better and will continue to do so for many years to come. 

If anybody out there also just got something new and awesome, post it in the comments!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Bethadilly Challenge Day 1

Day 1 of my new project 365 following the prompts of the bethadilly challenge.  Today's prompt is "Resolution."  Obviously one of my resolutions this year is to actually finish a 365 challenge.  2015 is my year, I can feel it! You can see my past attempts at a 365 (29 days, womp, womp) and a 52 week challenge (2, the prompts were dumb anyway...)  farther down on this blog. 

Also resolved in 2015:

Make one new meal a week.

Read one book a week.

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Beth has read 0 books toward her goal of 52 books.

I'll post updates on these goals periodically :)

If you're participating in a project 365 feel free to post the link in the comments!