Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Recipes Week 3

New recipe for this week....

Jalapeno Quesadilla from The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food from My Frontier.

*Note to self - Turn on the vent when cooking jalapenos unless you enjoy all the hacking, coughing and eye watering.

If I was patient I would wait until this summer to make this when I have tons of jalapenos and cilantro in my garden, but I'm not, so whatever. 

Here's the recipe.  I used Colby and Monterey Jack cheese instead of just the Monterey Jack that the recipe calls for to add some depth to the flavor and really punch it up... jk that is all they had already shredded at the store, ha!

You may be thinking that this doesn't count as a new recipe because it's super easy and I already know how to make quesadillas, but it does count because it was in a book and I have never made this specific one before, so whatever.  (Obviously I have never cooked jalapenos by themselves before or I would have known to wear a mask so as not to breathe in the fumes.)

Anyway, these were good, but I don't know if my face can take the jalapeno fumes again so we'll see :)

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